Gran Duca literally elevates you to higher realms!
Enjoy a delightful lunch or dinner with a stunning panoramic view of De Keyserlei and Central Station.
I Primi Piatti
Gli Antipasti
Antipasto Italiano (1p/2p)
€25/€47Variation of Italian meat, combined with mozzarella from Campania and grilled vegetablesCarpaccio di 'Fassona Piemontese' con rucola
e parmigiano (opzione tartufo fresco + €10)€26Beef carpaccio of “Fassona Piemontese” with arugula and parmigiano (option fresh truffle +€10)Carpaccio di salmone affumicato,
formaggio caprino, erbe aromatiche e scorza di limone€26Carpaccio of smoked salmon, goat cheese, herbs and lemon zestScampi fritti con salsa tartara
€26Fried scampi with homemade tartar sauce made with fresh herbsInsalata mista con scampi, pinoli tostati
e una vinaigrette miele e timo€24Mixed salad with scampi, roasted pine nuts, and a honey and thyme vinaigretteBurratina Pugliese, gazpacho di pomodoro
e grissino alla cipolla*€23Burratina from Puglia with tomato gazpacho and an onion breadstickCrocchette artigianali di formaggio Parmigiano “Pur Reggiano”
con piccola insalatina e limone*€26Artisanal parmesan cheese croquettes "Pur Reggiano" with a small salad and lemon*Vitello tonnato
€26Thinly sliced veal roast with tuna sauce and capers
Ravioli al grancio reale con ragu di scampi et un tocco di liquirizia
€37Kingkrab ravioli with scampi ragout and a hint of liquoriceTagliatelle al tartufo*
€38Fresh tagliatelle with delicate truffle and butter sauceTagliatelle al ragout d’astice ½
€39Fresh tagliatelle with its ragout of ½ lobster, Sicilian cherry tomatoes and finished off with parsleySpaghetti alle vongole veraci
€30Spaghetti with clams sautéed in white wine, slightly seasoned with a clove of garlic and parsleyOrecchiette melanzane e burrata profumate al basilico*
€26Eggplant and burrata orecchiette pasta scented with basilRisotto mantecato con crema di piselli,
gorgonzola e crambol di prosciutto€29Creamy risotto with a pea cream, gorgonzola, and a ham crumbleRavioli di ricotta e spinaci, burro,
salvia e scorza d'arancia*€26Fresh ravioli of ricotta and spinach combined with butter, sage and orange zestPenne all’ Arrabiata*
€23Fresh penne with a lightly spicy Italian tomato sauce
Minestrone dell'orto*
€20Italian vegetable soup
I Secondi Piatti
I pesci
Sogliola alla mugnaia
€48Sole à la meunière with a butter, lemon, and parsley sauce, accompanied by seasonal vegetables
and mashed potatoesFiletto di branzino al cartoccio con finocchio,
olive Taggiasche, olio allo zafferano e timo selvatico,
serviti con una purea di sedano rapa e un tocco di arancia€37Sea bass fillet baked in foil with fennel, Taggiasca Olives, saffron-infused oil,
and wild thyme, served with celery purée and a hint of orangeMerluzzo al vapore con crema di piselli e uova di pesce
€38Steamed cod with pea cream and fish roe, served with seasonal vegetables
and “Pure Butter” artisanal potato croquettesZuppa di pesce mediterranea con crostone di pane
€36Mediterranean fish soup with crispy bread
Le carni
Filetto di agnello ai profumi di
macchia Mediterranea€39Lamb fillet with mediterranean herb mix, a delicate lamb broth sauce, seasonal vegetables,
and oven-baked potatoes infused with rosemaryTagliata di manzo Rib Eye di Black Angus Irlandese Prime
con rucola e grana padano
(opzione crocchette al tartufo artigianali + €8)€42Thinly sliced Irish Black Angus prime Rib Eye with arugula and shavings of
Grana Padano, served with roasted potatoes
(option artisanal truffle croquettes +€8)Ossobuco alla Milanese revisitato
€37Veal shank Milanese revisited served with its tomato sauce made with brunoise,
a bouquet garni of bay leaf and thyme, and spaghettiSaltimbocca di vitello alla Romana
€34Veal escalope roman style with smoked Parma Ham, flavored with fresh sage and a
seasoned veal jus, served with roasted potatoes and seasonal vegetables
(option artisanal truffle croquettes +€8)Filetto di Manzo Rossini
€49Tenderloin with pan-fried duck liver, truffle, Marsala-flavored sauce, accompanied by
“Pur Beurre” croquettes and seasonal vegetables
(option: artisanal truffle croquettes +€8)Scaloppina funghi e tartufo
€39Veal escalope with wild mushrooms and truffle, accompanied by
oven-baked potatoes and seasonal vegetablesCotoletta di vitello alla Milanese
€37Veal cutlet Milanese style
Lunch menu
2 courses
€42Menu of the day3 courses
€54Menu of the day
I Dolci
Tiramisu della casa
€14Home-made tiramisuSegreto con glacé lamponi e bergamotto,
mascarpone e piscacchio€15Secret with raspberry and bergamot glacé, mascarpone, and pistachioFormaggi misti con mostarda di frutta
€17Cheese platter with fruit mustardMousse cioccolato al latte e caffe
€15Milk chocolate and coffee mousseGelato alla vaniglia con fragole marinate
€15Vanilla ice cream with marinated strawberriesMoelleux caramello e burro salato
€16Caramel and salted butter moelleuxPannacotta speculoos e mango
€15Speculoos and mango pannacottaCheesecake con cioccolato e biscotti oreo
€16Chocolate and Oreo biscuit cheesecake
* Vegetarian
For groups of 8 people or more. Choice from a limited selection of dishes from the menu.
Ristorante Gran Duca and its staff take food allergies and intolerances into account. Service and VAT included.
Discover our group menus

Opening hours
Tuesday – Friday
12:00 – 14:30
Tuesday – Saturday
18:00 – 22:00
We recommend making an online reservation.